Coskunoz Holding positions its Human Resources Management in the center of business strategies and aims to manage all HR practices in an integrated system to increase its competitive power, to maintain its leadership in the sector with its quality products and services.

In line with this, we aim to improve our practices continuously by following approaches;

  • Shaping our processes compliant with occupational health and safety policies and responsibilities.
  • Offering high quality and measureable training and development opportunities for employees to ensure continuous improvement.
  • Focusing on our talents, creating opportunities for employees thus enabling them to become aware of their individual skills, develop and use their potentials.
  • Employing a workforce who sees differences as a challenging opportunity and who embraces diversity.
  • Supporting  teamwork and fostering teammate awareness.
  • Being open to learning and integrating new developments into the corporate culture.
  • Supporting Employees’ work-life balance.
  • Serving the welfare of the society with high-conscious individuals who have sense of responsibility for individual, social and environmental problems.