Corporate Social Responsibility

Making business which will enrich the country’s economy and provide sustainable contributions to the community constitute the basis of Coşkunöz Holding’s corportate social responsibility policy. All our activities are planned and executed in accordance with our respect for mankind and the environment; our responsibility to use natural resources efficiently guides us through all our work.

Coşkunöz Education Foundation has been operating for 30 years so as to train qualified personnel, offer a solution to the unemployment problem of youngsters and improve the quality of life of our society. It also provides a significant service in the institutionalization of our social responsibility works.

As we are creating an awareness to the use of “clean energy” for a more livable world, we are trying to think of ways to reduce our ecologic footprint.

Our primary target is social responsibility works providing sustainable social benefits within our Corporate Social Responsibility policy. We continue supporting social responsibility projects coinciding with our values every year. We plan to extend our existing projects throughout the country so that they reach more people. Apart from that we try to support social responsibility projects, matching our values, of various other institutions.